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Old Brick House Exterior Makeover: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

An old brick house exterior makeover is what you need to get the first impression you are looking for. Bricks are, in fact, the most durable materials that you can ever have. For this reason, they should be the first option when you decide to makeover the exterior of your house. If you want to know more about this topic, keep reading until the end!

1- Why an Old Brick House Exterior Makeover Is a Good Idea?

Choosing an old brick house exterior makeover is an excellent choice for a number of reasons. Some of them are listed below:

– Adding a Charming Touch

We all want our houses to look great. To achieve that purpose, you have to definitely choose old bricks for your house exterior. They will provide you with an appealing look making your place look unique.

– Fire Resistance

You may have never known it before, but bricks are, indeed, fire resistance. Therefore, it is better to place the other materials you already have such as wood with bricks. If any damages occur in the future, you will be saved.

– Add Value to Your Property is the Purpose behind Old Brick House Exterior Makeover

If you are planning to sell your property in the near future, then bricks are what you need to add. Most potential buyers will be more than excited to take a look at your house as they will be caught by the amazingly used bricks.

– Home Insolation

During summer it gets extremely hot, while in winter it is freezing. If you want to get an ideal temperature inside your house, bricks are the key to achieving your objective. They are known as game-changer.

2- What You Need to Know Before Starting Your Brick House Exterior Makeover

Having bricks is one essential ingredient of having a luxury home. Before starting your old brick house exterior makeover, you need first to recognize the following:

– The Characteristics of Bricks for Successful Old Brick House Exterior Makeover

In order to make a sound decision, you have to fully understand the characteristics of the bricks. To give you an overview, bricks’ heights, depth, and length are measured in millimeters. You will have a number of options when it comes to colors as bricks are found in various colors. These include blue, black, green, grey, purple, red, orange, white, green, cream, and others.

– The Method Of Making Bricks

It is highly essential to know the method followed to make bricks as it will directly impact the overall appearance of your place. These can include handmade, water-struck, pressed, extruded, and others.

– The Layering Process

One of the main questions that you may be asking yourself now is whether you can lay bricks yourself. Can you consider it a DIY task? Well, it will certainly depend on your abilities, the scope of the project, and the materials you own. If the project demands a lot, then you surely need a professional to do the work on your behalf.

– Painting Your Bricks

Here comes the DIY task. If you are a DIYer, you do not need an expert at this stage. However, you need to have a clear vision of where to start and what to do. The first step you should take is to clean and prepare your bricks. Afterward, you have to apply the primer, and finally, pick your paint and start applying it.

3- Getting an Estimate and Start Your Brick House Exterior Makeover process

If you want to get a successful house exterior makeover journey, you need first to estimate how many bricks you need. If you get it wrong, there is a risk that your project will not give you the outcome you are looking for.

There are several steps that you need to take to estimate the number of bricks you need. You first

Need to take into consideration what you are going to build as well as the surface area. If you still struggling, we advise you to consult a professional so that you will be sure that your project will work out.

4- Tips For Choosing the Right Brick’s Colors and Materials

Some tips that may make the process easy for you are the following:

– Do Not Look for the Same Combinations

To get the best outcomes, it is better not to match the stone with the brick. Other alternatives you may want to follow to try to closely match the bricks with the stone but never totally combine them. This will give you one of the greatest and most beautiful touches you want.

– Colors Similar to those in the Stone

You can take one color found in the stone and choose your appropriate colors based on that. For instance, if you have a stone that includes the brick’s color, you can go for black bricks to know how astonishing the black color is.

– Choose Your Desired Materials

Today, you will find that all the bricks are divided into five materials. Some of them are burned clay bricks as well as traditional ones. So, if you are keen on past events, then this type is for you. Moreover, you will find other types such as lime bricks, concrete bricks, and engineering bricks in other.

The first step you should follow is knowing how to should the nature of your bricks depending on other times as well.

5- How to Get Started with Your Makeover

An old brick house exterior makeover is highly needed. But how can you start this fuzzy process? Well, first, you need to plan how to be logically listed and numbered. Next, you have of course to set a budget, and then find a trustworthy contractor.

6- Wrapping Things up in an Old brick house exterior makeover

Now it is time to get the outcomes you badly want. After following what we have included above, you will know the importance of this process, understand it, and be conscious of it. If you follow a clear path, your process will be as successful as you think.

Last Words

Now you have an overview of what you have to do, it is your time to start your work!  If you follow these steps, you will undoubtedly make your process a successful one.


Decorating Your First Apartment: Ten Ideas to Get a Unique Urban Style?

Decorating your first apartment is the reason behind reading our article. Well, congrats you finally have the apartment you were looking for. Now is the time to start your decoration process. This can be stressful and overwhelming. For this reason, we have decided to write this article and guide you along the way.

While there are a number of styles, you have to try out the urban style. Below you will find some ideas that will help you greatly.

1- Keep it Soft & Warm When Decorating Your First Apartment

It is true that urban interior design is industrial at its core, but it does not mean that it has to be entirely industrial. To get an outstanding urban style, you have to add a softer as well as a warmer touch to help you relax. Remember to make your place comfortable, inviting, and welcoming.

2- Choose the Right Color Palette

Your color palette is vitally essential as it changes the entire look of your space. You may feel confused because of the various colors that you have to choose from. To help you out, we advise you to get that black-on-white touch that makes your house look chick and urban. You are free to choose whether to have a black floor and white walls or vice versa. Additionally, you can use this combination with your furniture and décor. Moreover, beige, orange, and brown can perfectly fit in this design.

3- Contrasting Your Materials

While it is a good idea to choose soft furniture, making every single thing soft may not give you the urban look you are looking for. Here comes the role of contrasting materials. The latter, if added as needed, will bring the urban décor and a nice touch to your place. For instance, you can add some mirrors and some photos painted with gold and bronze frames.

4- Do Not Forget the Statement Pieces

The urban interior design style is all about statement pieces that take your home to the next level. Choose your statement piece and makes it the focal point of your room. This can be a bold piece of art, a rug, or furniture. Afterward, you can design around the statement piece you chose. This will make your place look unique and outstanding.

5- Keep the Accessories to the Minimum

The urban style is, of course, different from the minimalist design. However, you have to keep your accessories to a minimum in order not to make your room highly crowded. The main urban accessory that you need to own is a plant. You have to add plants to your house as they complete the urban style.

6- Select Suitable Furniture to Decorate Your First Apartment

When decorating your new apartment in an urban style, you have to choose furniture that is comfortable, functional, and simple. All the pieces that you include in your place should have a given purpose otherwise you will create more clutter in your house.

For your urban style living room or bedroom, it is advisable to go for furniture that is made of natural materials such as leather and their tones should be calm. Moving further, if you have a small living room, try to follow an L-structure, add a table, and some comfortable chairs, armchairs, and ottomans, and do not forget to incorporate a given rug.

Try to add glass and aluminum as much as possible. For instance, you may want to include a glass tabletop and other aluminum accessories.

7- Lighting Is Essential While Decorating Your First Apartment

In the process of decorating your first apartment, you need to remember that natural lighting is extremely important in urban style. Therefore, having some large windows is a privilege.  Do not forget to decorate your windows with some curtains to add an impression of cleanliness. Additionally, you can imitate industrial light by utilizing some hidden lighting. Lamps imitating city lights are also appropriate.

8- Create a Flow between Your Rooms When Decorating Your First Apartment

The secret behind having an ultimate urban apartment is to create a sense of connection and cohesion among all of your rooms. While decorating your new apartment, you will, of course, not want your rooms to look the same. However, consistency is highly crucial to bring your rooms together.

There are a number of ways that you can follow to create this connection. Some of these are applying the same flooring to the whole house, keeping a common wall color, and using similar metals from various rooms.

9- Add Your Personal Touch

Decorating your new apartment can never be completed if you do not add your personal touch. Urban interior design is about creativity. So, be creative and express yourself. You may want to add a Moroccan rug you fell in love with or that Turkish ottoman you saw the last time you visited Turkey. Whatever item you badly want to add to your own space, do it. You just need to ensure that they complete the urban style you are looking for.

10- Mix the New with the Traditional

Urban interior design is about blending the new and the traditional, the vintage and the modern elements. When decorating your new apartment, make sure to bridge the two together to create a fantastic urban style.

Last Words

Decorating your new apartment may not be easy for you, but if you learn how to do so, you can get the look you want. Urban style has gained much popularity thanks to its beauty and functionality. If you choose this style for your place, you have to learn everything about urban style to make the process easy to tackle.

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How to Uplevel and Upgrade Your Outdoor Space?

Be it a garden, a patio, or a terrace, outdoor spaces are becoming highly essential. They have a great impact on both our physical as well as our mental health. Sitting in places like these while drinking your morning coffee or evening tea will certainly reduce stress and regulate your mood.
Given the importance of having an outdoor space, several homeowners nowadays are trying to incorporate such places into their houses. But the main challenge comes later. And the big question is how to upgrade your outdoor space.

If that is what you are looking for, then you are in the right place. This article will provide you with the main steps you should take to perfect your place:

Why You Should Have an Outside Space?

Outdoor space is the place where you can sit to release, relax, and unwind. If you feel stressed, this place is the perfect one for you as it reduces stress levels, depression, and anxiety. Moreover, an outdoor space is one where you and your family spend your time. It can bring you together to enjoy your breakfast while talking about your plan for the day.

People have become aware of the importance of such places. As a result, you will see several homes with a garden, a patio, or a terrace.

How You Can Upgrade Your Outdoor Space?

Indeed, you can easily uplevel your outdoor space and make it an astonishing place for you and your family. Below you will find some ideas that you can apply as well.

1. A swimming Pool

If you have a garden, learn how to use it right. This summer is extremely hot. So why not add a swimming pool? You can add either a little one or an adult-sized or even an actual Olympic wave pool. I am sure that you will love it especially if you have children. It is convenient as you will not be forced of taking your children to the beach or a swimming pool perpetually.

3. Fire Pit

Looking for luxury? You should definitely go for a fire pit. The latter will add a gorgeous look to your garden and makes it look royal. The fire pit is usually surrounded by sofas which provides a dreamy feeling. On the other hand, the fire pit will give you a cozy feeling. Your house will have a welcoming and relaxing touch.

4. Upgrade Your Outdoor Space: Add Light

Lightning is one of the most elements that can highlight charming features when put in your outdoor space. It is responsible for creating a romantic, warm, and fantastic atmosphere. Consider adding some soft lighting around the seating area. Also, you can add some sparkle to your outdoor space by setting some unique fairy light designs.

5. Choose Colors

The easiest way to choose the right color for your outdoor space is to think of a given theme. How do you want your space to feel? For instance, if you love a nautical look, then blues and whites are the best choices.

Remember that each color has the power to give you certain feelings. For example, blue is the color of calmness and serenity. Whereas yellow promotes happiness, warmth, optimism, and cheerfulness.

6. Plants and flowers

Plants and flowers will surely bring life to your outdoor space. You have to turn your outdoor space into an attractive green space where you can unwind and enjoy yourself. Consider adding various types of plants and flowers, different colors, and varied sizes. They will not only add beauty to your space and give you an astonishing look, but they will also create a healthy spot with high-quality air.

7. Pillows and Rugs

You can effortlessly turn a boring garden into a lovely place to sit in. Try adding some pillows and rugs. The great option is of course Moroccan rugs. The latter may be found in various colors and shapes. They are made of natural materials that can withstand any type of weather including winter. Furthermore, Moroccan rugs add culture, history, and a Moroccan touch to your space.

8. Upgrade Your Outdoor Space: An Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchens have gained much popularity in recent days. Having an outdoor kitchen in your house will help you a great deal. First, it will bring entertainment. This can happen especially during summertime when you decide to set up a dinner party. On the other side, cooking outside will obviously keep the smells outside so your house will stay fresh.

9. Outdoor Curtains

Outdoor curtains have many benefits. Firstly, they add an amazing decorative touch to your outdoor space. They will enhance the beauty of your space and make it impressive and appealing. Apart from decoration, outdoor curtains can help in protecting your furniture from the sun and keep your space cool.

Last Word

Upgrading your outdoor space is not, indeed, a great deal. All you really need to do is to understand your preferences. Once you know what you love, go for it. It is then perfect for you. An outdoor space is an essential part of your house. If you don’t have one, try to create one. If you already own it, you certainly need to uplevel it.

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