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How to Prevent Undercut in Welding & Why Does it Happen?

causes and prevention of a undercut in welding
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Undercut is a problem that most new welders have to deal with when they first start out. And it’s a very crucial welding defect because it affects the strength of your weld directly.

In this article, I’ll talk about undercut in detail, including what causes it and how to fix it.

What is Undercut in a Weld?

The undercut is a welding defect where you have a groove right next to your Weld, your weld profile descends, dives below the surface, and then rises.

what causes under cut and how do you prevent it

If you look closely, you’ll notice that I can just hook my fingernail in this undercut weld and pull it along because there’s a little groove there. So this is something that could make welding more difficult and stressful.

This happens because metal starts melting when your settings are set too high and you are traveling too quickly. So the filler metal is unable to fill the gap and thus resulting in this groove.

This is by far the most difficult obstacle that individuals face when they are first beginning their careers as welders. Because there is nothing that will weaken a weld more than undercut. The truth is that there is very little tolerance for undercut welds.

In this article, I will therefore be discussing in great detail the reasons why undercut occurs, as well as the steps that you can take to prevent it. So let’s get started.

What are the Types of Undercut Welds?

Before we can have a meaningful conversation about what causes undercut and how to avoid it, we need to have a basic understanding of the different types of the undercut.

This is because there are many different types of undercut, and each type has its own unique causes and ways to avoid it.

There are the two primary undercut types:

  • Root(Internal) Undercut Weld
  • Edge(External) Undercut Weld

So lets’ talk about each of them one by one

1. Root Undercut (Internal Undercut)

Internal root undercut weld

It is obvious from the name of this type of undercut that it develops on the underside of a butt joint, it is also known as a “Bottom undercut.” If I were to be more technical then it appears at the base of the weldment. Root undercutting is another name for this technique.

2. Edge Undercut (External Undercut)

External undercut weld

In contrast to the internal undercut, the external undercut appears at the weld’s toe. A fillet weld is located on the front of the joint and is exposed while the weld is being performed.

The front surface is more likely to have an external undercut because it is closer to the weld gun.

Reasons Why You are Getting Undercut on Your Welds

If you are getting undercut in your weld, there are potentially dozens of different reasons why this is happening. We will go over some of the most typical and obvious reasons.

Here are 10 most common reasons why you are getting an undercut in your welds:

  1. Too much amperage
  2. Incorrect torch angle
  3. High torch speed
  4. High electrode voltage
  5. Inappropriate electrode material
  6. Wrong electrode size
  7. Poor shielding gas
  8. The gap between welded parts
  9. Too much arch force
  10. Rust metal jobs

I am aware that all of these potential explanations seem excessive, and it is not required that all of these be the reasons why you are getting undercut. It could be just one of them or a small number of them, but it can’t be all of them.

Therefore, let’s go into further detail about them.

1. Too Much Amperage or Current

The first and most obvious possibility for the occurrence of getting undercut is that there was an excessive amount of amperage or current. The amount of energy that is put into the weld is determined by the current.

This results in the edges of the weld melting into the weld and leaves defects along the sides of the welds that look like drains (undercut).

2. Incorrect Torch Angle

wrong torch angle

The second most evident cause of this problem is welding at the improper torch angle or using an incorrect welding technique.

Whether or not the weld will be defect-free depends on your work angle. The same is true of undercutting. Uneven heat input into the welding region results from an incorrect electrode angle.

An undercut might be produced by one edge melting into the weld pool due to overheating, whereas the same fault could be produced by the opposite edge solidifying too soon.

3. High Torch Speed

Undercutting in welding is also a result of speeding the welding process or moving the torch too quickly.

When the travel speed is too high, the electrode leaves the weld pool too soon. This indicates that the molten metal cannot expand out enough before freezing.

When the electrode (heat source) is removed too quickly, the metal in the weld pool’s or cavity’s center “freezes.” As a result, the edges of your weld develop undercuts.

4. Hight Electrode Voltage

voltage and amperage

Like current, voltage works as an indicator of the total amount of heat injected into the weld. More heat enters the weld zone as the voltage rises, melting more base metal.

Due to the arc’s ability to melt the weld puddle faster than it can fill, high voltage generates an undercut while welding. As a result, an undercut forms between the weld puddle and the wire electrode.

You must set lower amperage settings while welding with greater voltages.

5. Inappropriate Electrode Material

Filler metal and base metal have to have thermal characteristics that are comparable to one another. In the event that there is a substantial difference between the two, you run the danger of having uneven heat distribution in the weld zone.

This not only causes the metals to solidify ahead of time, but it also messes with their wetting qualities and causes other problems. Both of these factors are major contributors to the creation of undercuts.

6. Wrong Electrode Size

If the electrode is too large, an excessive amount of filler will enter the pool and, due to the increased surface tension, will collect in the groove’s center.

Secondly, because of the bigger diameter of the stick, the amount of heat that is inputted is likewise more dispersed. Both of these factors contribute to the undercutting effect.

Filler rods with a diameter of 0.030 inches should be used when the gap between two pieces of metal is less than 1/8 inch and filler rods with a diameter of.045 inches should be used when the gap is greater than 1/8 inch.

A relatively small electrode may also cause issues. Because there is insufficient filler metal to completely fill the joint, an undercut will form at the bead’s edge.

7. Poor Shielding Gas

If you use the wrong combination of shielding gas or don’t change the pressure to match the needs of the weld, a lot of things could go wrong.

Secondly, If you don’t use a gas lens to smooth out the flow of gas, an undercut could happen. A gas lens directs the shielding gas over the weld puddle. This keeps air currents and too much arc turbulence from damaging the weld.

Because of these problems, the gas might not protect the weld pool from the outside environment as well as it could.

Air reaction changes the way molten metal sticks together, how heat moves through it, how dense it is, and other things. All of these changes result in undercut weld.

8. The Gap Between Welded Parts

When there is space between two pieces of metal that are being welded together, this is also one of the factors that might contribute to an undercut.

The major cause of this issue is that you did not take the time before starting welding to measure the two components and ensure they fit together nicely.

If this occurs, there will likely be a significant gap between the two sides, or one side will be longer than the other, which will form an undercut. Both of these things should be avoided.

9. Too Much Arc Force

During the welding process, an excessive amount of arc force may cause an undercut, which ultimately leads to a gap between the two pieces of metal. This happens when the puddle is pushed away from the filler material.

10. Rusty Metal Jobs

rusty and contaminated surface

Another reason for an undercut in welding is rusty metal because the arc can rapidly burn through the rust and produce a hole that prevents your filler rod from penetrating, causing it to pop out.

How do You Prevent  Undercut in Welding?

Enough of these causes and problems, now let’s get to a solution to this problem.

Here are a few of the useful tips by pro welders to prevent undercut in welding

  1. Use the correct current and voltage setting
  2. Slow down and don’t be too fast
  3. Use a correct and consistent torch length
  4. Use the correct electrode size and type
  5. Use a good quality shielding gas
  6. Use a gas lens for a steady flow
how to prevent undercut in welding tips infographics

Let’s look at these tips one by one in detail

1. Correct Current and Voltage are the Keys to the Solution

The most important step to prevent an undercut in welding is to use lower voltage and greater amperage levels.

Low amperage is required for the arc to produce a sufficiently sized molten puddle while utilizing high values for both welder settings in order to avoid burn-through.

Consider reducing the current if you see prolonged, recurring undercuts. To achieve optimal fusion, this lessens overheating.

2. Slow Down Your Speed

Slowing your travel pace will guarantee that the weld puddle and wire electrode have sufficient time to melt into the metal before you continue, so preventing burn-through.

I would suggest moving the stick carefully to provide sufficient time for mixing and to prevent premature solidification.

3. Correct and Consistent Torch Length

You can prevent an undercut and consistently produce a flawless and lovely bead when your arc length is constant and fits the groove or gap that has to be welded.

Your arch length is incorrect if there is resistance and splatter in your welds. Maintaining the right arch length during the welding process will solve this problem for you.

4. Use the Correct Electrode Size and Type

Only the correct electrode size will correctly fill up your groove and deliver the correct and clean weld. The formation of an undercut is inevitable if the electrode size is either too small or too large.

In addition to electrode size, the type of electrode and the material it is made of also matters a lot. As was stated earlier in the section that was devoted to the root causes.

Therefore, before purchasing an electrode, you should carefully review its technical specifications. If you wanna know more about the correct electrode type for pipe fences, then read my other article.

5. A Good Quality Shielding Gas Should be Used

Be certain that the gas mixture you have is both good and clean. This is a very useful tip for reducing undercuts in your welding.

When you use shielding gas that is dirty or contaminated, it prevents the flow of your weld puddle, which causes the arc to burn through the metal much more quickly, leaving you with an undercut at the end of the process.

6. Use a gas lens for a steady flow

Welders who are just beginning their careers are often clueless when it comes to gas lenses. It is a fantastic method for ensuring that your gas flow will run smoothly and consistently.

Because of this, you will be able to maintain a consistent flow at a greater pressure, which will prevent an undercut from developing in your weld.

How to Fix the Undercut?

Let’s now discuss how to fix the undercut in your weld. Before discussing how to fix the undercut, let’s discuss the equipment and settings I’m using.

Things You Need for Fixing Undercut

  1. Everlast 200 DV welding machine (Your own choice)
  2. 100% pure Argon gas
  3. 35 cubic feet per hour (CFH) gas pressure
  4. Fupa cup number 12 (Your own choice)
  5. Negative Direct Current (DC-)
  6. 200 amperage (Take into account your metal thickness)
  7. ER70S-6 bowler wire

The things that I have mentioned above are my own preference. You don’t have to use exact same things but I wanted to share it with you.

Fixing Undercut (Demo)

how to fix undercut in the weld

There are a few ways to fix the undercut, but I’ll show you the one that, as far as I know, works the best. I hope that it will also help you out in the field.

how to fix undercut in the weld 2

So, to start, I’ll aim my tungsten wire at the middle of the bottom toe. In other words, my bead will split because the end of my tungsten wire is pointed at the big toe.

Please make sure that your wire is overlapping the base metal and that bead evenly.

To be clear, the setting I’m using is 200 amps. The machine I’m using is the Everlast 200 DB. 35 CFH, 100% argon running. I am taking part in Cup 12.

image 3

how to fix undercut in the weld 3

when you’re done with the last bead at the bottom. We’ll go ahead and put on a cap with two beads. Because of gravity, we will aim our tungsten a little bit up. Gravity is pulling our weld down. So, we’ll keep dabbing and keep moving forward.

how to fix undercut in the weld 4

Make sure to pay attention to the big toe because I want to get rid of that undercut.

How Much Undercut is Acceptable?

AWS D1.1 Code says that any undercut that is less than 1/32″ is safe, even if it runs the whole length of the weld. But if the undercut is more than 1/32″, it will depend on the quality standards of the industry you work in. But if the undercut is more than 1/16″, the part is completely rejected.

Does Undercut Weaken the Weld?

If the undercut is more than 1/16″ it will definitely weaken the strength of the weld. According to studies a weld with an undercut of 1/16″ will weaken its strength by 50%. So, yes, undercutting will definitely make your weld weaker.

Wrapping it Up

It was a long article, but it was on a subject that needs a lot of thought. It’s not easy to weld without getting undercut. Even if you have a lot of experience and have done something a lot of times, there is no guarantee that you will never run into this problem.

If it does happen, you will need to be ready to deal with it in a professional way. Also, make sure you practice undercutting as much as you can.

I really hope that this article will be helpful to you and that you will learn something from it.


How to Weld If You Have Long Hair? Pro Welder’s Tips

long hair man holding welding helmet
Shutter Stock

Any welding operation that you perform puts you and anyone else in the area in danger of a number of different things. As a result, it is completely reasonable for you to be concerned about preventing your hair from becoming entangled in any welding equipment and posing a threat to your health. In this article, I will talk about how you can safely weld if you have long hair.

If you want to weld while having long hair, a French braid is the best option for keeping your hair together. This will help you in tying your hair and hold it together behind your neck. The French braid should keep the hair compact and close to your head’s shape, and it also allows you to wear a welding helmet. As a result, you will be able to wear full safety equipment.

When you are dealing with hot weld spatters, having long hair can present a particularly difficult challenge. Therefore, if you are interested in learning more about how you can safely weld with long hair, continue reading the rest of this article, where I will discuss the topic in greater detail and share some helpful hints.

How Your Long Hair Can be an Issue While Welding?

Welding procedures, as I indicated earlier, expose the operator as well as anybody else in the vicinity of the workplace to a wide variety of risks. A project involving welding presents a number of potential dangers and threats; it is important that you be aware of these issues in order to protect not only yourself but also others around you. Especially when dealing with spatters, it is easy for things to go wrong if you have long hair.

Before we look at all of the tips you may weld with long hair, we need to first understand the potential risks you run and everything that might go wrong. Long hair poses a unique set of challenges when it comes to welding. A few are mentioned below:

  • Spatters are your hair’s worst enemy.
  • UV rays can permanently damage your hair.
  • With long hair, grinders can cause serious accidents.

Let’s look at these problems one by one:

1. Take Spatters Seriously 

The spatter, sparks, and heat generated by the arc provides the greatest challenge throughout the welding process since they may travel up to 35 feet and enter any nearby place. You will want to provide enough protection for your long hair if you are going to be in an atmosphere like this.

Not just your hair, but everything else that might catch fire should be kept at least 35 feet away from the welding location. In addition, a fire extinguisher should never be far away. In the event that a fire breaks out.

2. UV Rays Can Damage Your Hair Permanently

Molten metals, welding arcs, and ultraviolet radiation will be present in the work environment while welding is being done. The interaction of all these factors puts you at an increased risk of serious burns. The actual welding arc may reach temperatures of up to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, making it one of the hottest processes possible.

And believe me when I say that you do not want that welding arc to get anywhere near your hair. Your hair will suffer a significant amount of damage as a result, and it is possible that it could even be burned.

3. Grinder Can Give You Nightmares

The usage of grinders is another factor that may create issues for your lengthy hair. Using grinders and welding go hand in hand when working with metals. Therefore, if you are a welder, you will most likely make extensive use of the grinder. And grinders are really your worst enemy when it comes to your long hair.

When you’re working, you can find yourself crouching over a grinder, which can cause serious accidents if you don’t protect your hair properly.

Tips from a Pro Welder to Protect Your Long Hair When Welding

Now you know what the most obvious dangers that you have when welding with long hair. The next step is to tell you how you can keep yourself safe from those dangers.

Here are a few of the tips that you can consider:

  • Braid your hair while welding
  • Put your hair in a tight knot behind your neck
  • Consider buying a welding cap
  • You can use a bandana too if you are a bandana lover

Let’s discuss these tips one by one:

Braid hair woman welding

1. Braiding is the Best Option You Have

Welding hoods, helmets, or shields will provide the optimum amount of protection from any sparks, heat, UV rays, flash burns, or infrared light that may be present. They will protect not only your face and neck but also your eyes and hair. As a result, I feel that acquiring one is the best approach to protecting oneself.

Welding hoods are often made of cotton or leather and are rather light in weight and can go easily along with helmets. Make sure that whichever helmet you decide to purchase, is not too heavy and that it is comfortable to wear. It must also include a spatter barrier, the ability to be modified, a sensor bar, and the availability of replacement components.

2. You Can Simply Put Your Hair in a Tigh Knot

The most conventional and easiest technique for a welder operator to keep their long hair out of their face is to pull it back into a tight bun. Wrap an elastic band over your buns and secure them in place to prevent them from falling on your face.

If there are any unruly hairs, just use bobby pins to push them up and you should be OK. Anything that prevents your hair from falling on your face will suffice.

3. Consider Buying a Welding Cap

A welding cap is a good option if you want something that is both lightweight and comfortable. It must adequately shield your head from any hot metal, sparks, or splatters that may be present.

Not only they are effective in protecting your hair, but they are also made completely of cotton, making them incredibly breathable and also preventing sweat from pouring down your eyebrows while working.

4. Bandana is Another Option That You Can Use

Braids are not easy to create for everyone, and they may even be difficult to perform on a regular basis. If you don’t know how to braid my easiest suggestion would be to put a bandana over your head and tuck all of your hair within.

When welding, sparks will fly everywhere, and this will keep you safe. Make use of bobby pins or a bun to tuck in all of the ends. Bandanas aren’t my first choice for headgear. But it works. It’s a good option to have in case you don’t know how to braid your hair.

Few Other Safety Measures That You Need to Take

In addition to your hair, there are a few other parts of your body that need your attention. Some of these essential measures for ensuring your safety are listed below:

  • Protect your eyes at all cost
  • Always keep a fire extinguisher in your shop
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Make habit of using respirators
  • Beware of leakages in your welding system
  • Keep your welding space clean

Let’s discuss them one by one:

1. Protect your eyes at all cost

Be sure to always wear safety glasses in your workplace to protect your eyes from flying debris, which is often composed of metal. If you routinely do welding tasks, you will be exposed to a significant amount of flying debris.

You should make it a routine to put them on as soon as you come in the door; this will ensure that you are protected at all times.

2. Always keep a fire extinguisher in your shop

You shouldn’t be shocked if anything catches fire at some time during a welding operation because of all of the intense heat and sparks that are produced throughout the process. Because fires are a very real risk, you should always have an extinguisher on hand in case one breaks out.

3. Wear protective clothing

If you’ve ever imagined yourself beginning your first welding project in a pair of shorts, an old t-shirt, and a pair of flip-flops, you should rethink that idea. Wearing the necessary protective clothing at all times when welding is required if you wish to prevent injuries to your body, notably burns, that may be caused by the process.

4. Make habit of using respirators

You should always wear a respirator if you are going to be dealing with metals or any other materials that have the potential to emit harmful vapors.

Welding or cutting certain materials may produce a welding plume, which is a combination of hazardous gases, fumes, and smoke. This is not the type of thing you want to breathe in if you want to keep your lungs healthy and prevent respiratory issues.

If you are interested in knowing more about respirators and their types, please check out my other article.

5. Beware of leakages in your welding system

There is a good chance that you have pressurized containers in your welding shop that hold liquids or gases. Take extra precautions to check that none of those containers or the items that you are attaching to them have any leaks in them.

See my other article to know more about leakages and how to detect them.

6. Maintain your equipment

If you want to establish the safest possible working environment for your welding projects, you need to give your equipment a lot of TLC and make sure it’s in good operating order at all times. If your welding equipment and tools are in disrepair, an accident is almost waiting to happen every time you use them. However, the vast majority of incidents of this kind are avoidable if proper care is taken with the equipment.

Wrapping it Up

When it comes to welding, safety is the most important thing to keep in mind at all times. Because because welding involves a significant amount of fire and spatters, it is essential that you take a significant amount of precaution to protect your hair. I really hope that you’ll be able to keep your hair under control while welding thanks to the advice that’s been provided in this article.

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Weld Types

Different Welding Methods: Applications of Each Method

welding techinques
Shutter Stock

Welding is joining two pieces of metal together by melting and cooling them until they become one piece. Welding processes include:

  • Oxyacetylene welding
  • Shielded metal arc welding (Stick)
  • Gas tungsten arc welding (TIG)
  • Gas metal arc welding (MIG)
  • Flux-cored arc welding
  • Torch or oxyfuel brazing

Some methods employ both heat and pressure, while others employ only heat. Welding is commonly used to construct automobiles, airplanes, and buildings. Other metal-cutting methods, such as oxy-acetylene and plasma arc cutting, use heat or electricity to cut through metal.

1. Oxyacetylene welding

Oxyacetylene welding (OAW) is a method of joining two pieces of metal using heat generated by the combustion of oxygen and acetylene gas.

Torch brazing (TB) is similar, but the metal is not completely melted. Instead, a special alloy is melted and used to join the two metal pieces.

Oxyfuel gas cutting (OFC) is a method of cutting metal that uses the same tools and gases as OAW and TB.

To generate heat and bond the metal, all of these methods employ a torch and special gases. They are frequently used on small or thin metal pieces.


  • Welding and brazing thin or small pieces of metal
  • Welding and brazing dissimilar metals
  • Cutting and piercing metal

Situations to Avoid:

  • Welding thick or heavy sections of metal
  • Welding high alloy or stainless steel
  • Welding in high wind or outdoor conditions (due to the open flame)
  • Welding in confined spaces (due to the production of harmful gases)

2. Shielded metal arc welding (Stick)

Shielded metal arc welding, or SMAW, is a way of welding metal together using an electrode that is coated with a special kind of flux.

The electrode melts and becomes a part of the welded metal. To do SMAW welding, you need a transformer, two welding cables, a work clamp, and an electrode holder.

There are many different types of electrodes you can use for SMAW welding, so you can choose the one that is best for your project. With SMAW welding, you can join different types and thicknesses of metal using the same machine.


  • Welding thick or heavy sections of metal
  • Welding in outdoor conditions
  • Welding in dirty or contaminated environments
  • Welding on dirty or painted surfaces

Situations to Avoid:

  • Welding thin or small pieces of metal (more suited for TIG welding)
  • Welding high alloy or stainless steel (can affect the quality of the weld)
  • Welding in confined spaces (due to the production of harmful gases)
  • Welding in the presence of high winds (due to the electric arc)

3. Gas tungsten arc welding

GTAW, or gas tungsten arc welding, is a method of joining metal using a tungsten electrode. The tungsten electrode generates an electric arc, which melts the metal being welded as well as the end of the filler metal, which is manually applied.

Shielding gas is emitted from the welding gun to protect the molten weld metal from dirt and other contaminants. A foot or thumb switch can be added to the GTAW equipment to help the welder better control the welding.

GTAW welding produces very clean, high-quality welds, but it is slower and requires more skill than other welding methods. It is particularly useful for joining metal alloys that can only be joined with GTAW.


  • Welding thin or small pieces of metal
  • Welding high alloy or stainless steel
  • Welding in outdoor conditions (with proper shielding gas)
  • Welding materials with high levels of contaminants or impurities
  • Welding in high-precision environments

Situations to Avoid:

  • Welding thick or heavy sections of metal (more suited for MIG welding)
  • Welding in high production environments (slower process)
  • Welding in confined spaces (due to the production of harmful gases)
  • Welding in the presence of high winds (due to the electric arc)

4. Gas metal arc welding (MIG)

Mig welding is a type of arc welding that uses a continuously supplied wire electrode and gas to weld metal together.

It is becoming more popular because it is easier to learn than other types of welding, like stick and tig welding, and it is faster because you don’t have to stop and change the electrode as often.

Mig welding also creates less slag and spatter, which makes it more enjoyable to use and easier to clean up.

However, MIG welding equipment is more expensive and the MIG gun, which is the portable part of the equipment, can be difficult to use in small spaces. Mig welding also requires a shielding gas to work, so it is not as good for outdoor use.


  • Welding thick or heavy sections of metal
  • Welding high alloy or stainless steel
  • Welding in high-production environments
  • Welding in outdoor conditions (with proper shielding gas)

Situations to Avoid:

  • Welding thin or small pieces of metal (more suited for TIG welding)
  • Welding in confined spaces (due to the production of harmful gases)
  • Welding in the presence of high winds (due to the electric arc)
  • Welding materials with high levels of contaminants or impurities (can affect the quality of the weld)

5. Flux-cored arc welding

Flux-cored arc welding, or FCAW, is a method of joining metal using a special type of electrode wire known as a flux core wire.

The wire is fed from a spool continuously through the welding equipment and out of the gun. The welding current flows through the equipment, melting the wire and the base metal.

Some flux core wires generate their own shielding gas as they melt, while others require the use of additional shielding gas. As the wire melts, it produces a gaseous cloud that shields the weld surface and removes impurities from the molten metal.

After the weld is completed, a layer of slag must be removed from the weld’s top. Despite this additional step, FCAW is a popular welding technique because it produces high-quality welds quickly and is very versatile.

FCAW equipment is similar to that used in gas metal arc welding (GMAW), and both methods are semiautomatic, which means that the wire is fed automatically but the welder moves the gun manually. Welding supply stores and other retailers stock FCAW equipment and filler metals.


  • Welding thick or heavy sections of metal
  • Welding in outdoor conditions (with proper shielding gas)
  • Welding in high-production environments
  • Welding in dirty or contaminated environments

Situations to Avoid:

  • Welding thin or small pieces of metal (more suited for TIG welding)
  • Welding high alloy or stainless steel (can affect the quality of the weld)
  • Welding in confined spaces (due to the production of harmful gases)
  • Welding in the presence of high winds (due to the electric arc)

Comparison Table:

Welding ProcessApplicationsSituations to Avoid
Oxyacetylene weldingWelding and brazing thin or small pieces of metal; welding and brazing dissimilar metals; cutting and piercing metalWelding thick or heavy sections of metal; welding high alloy or stainless steel; welding in high wind or outdoor conditions; welding in confined spaces
Shielded metal arc welding (Stick)Welding thick or heavy sections of metal; welding in outdoor conditions; welding in dirty or contaminated environments; welding on dirty or painted surfacesWelding thin or small pieces of metal; welding high alloy or stainless steel; welding in confined spaces; welding in the presence of high winds
Gas tungsten arc welding (TIG)Welding thin or small pieces of metal; welding high alloy or stainless steel; welding in outdoor conditions (with proper shielding gas); welding materials with high levels of contaminants or impurities; welding in high-precision environmentsWelding thick or heavy sections of metal; welding in high production environments; welding in confined spaces; welding in the presence of high winds
Gas metal arc welding (MIG)Welding thick or heavy sections of metal; welding in high production environments; welding in outdoor conditions; welding on dirty or painted surfacesWelding thin or small pieces of metal; welding high alloy or stainless steel; welding in confined spaces; welding in the presence of high winds
Flux-cored arc weldingWelding thick or heavy sections of metal; welding in high production environments; welding in outdoor conditions; welding on dirty or painted surfacesWelding thin or small pieces of metal; welding high alloy or stainless steel; welding in confined spaces; welding in the presence of high winds
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